In this forthcoming Academy of Management Journal article, we study how professionals respond to knowledge disruptions associated with complex societal challenges that undermine the adequacy of their knowledge base to solve professional problems. Our study…
Autore: Giulia Cappellaro
Editoriale su Il Sole 24 Ore: Artificial Intelligence in sanità
Quali sono le barriere all’implementazione di tecnologie di intelligenza artificiale (IA) nelle organizzazioni sanitarie? Quali le leve per una loro adozione? Le mie riflessioni nell’editoriale odierno de Il Sole 24 Ore.
New Organization Studies on Trajectories of value generation and capturing by public-private hybrids
Balancing value generation and value capturing activities is key for public-private organizations. In this forthcoming article in Organization Studies, we unpack different trajectories of value generation of public-private hybrids in the Italian health care system…
Meeting “Data-driven Healthcare”
Generating, governing and sharing data in a responsible way is fundamental in healthcare. Interesting discussion today at Università degli Studi di Siena on digitalisation, robotics, AI, data analytics and data platforms, and happy to have contributed with reflections on artificial…
ChilDfam Project: recruiting with the Italian Cystic Fibrosis Research Foundation
We are starting recruiting participants for the ChilDfam Project (read more here on the project). The project aims to comprehensively analyze the effects of a child disability on family members and uncover their unmet needs,…
Panel “Le radici e il mondo. Una storia italiana”
Participation in the panel “Le radici e il mondo. Una storia italiana” with Romano Prodi, Francesco Amatori, Andrea Colli, Dario Di Vico. Discussion of the book: “Francesco Merloni. Il secolo dello sviluppo” by Giorgio Mangani.…
Postdoc position in qualitative sociology and healthcare management
We are hiring! Open call for a 1-year postdoc position for candidates interested in inequality, disability and service access, with strong qualitative skills, and eager to work under my supervision and to join an interdisciplinary research team at Università Bocconi with Nicoletta Balbo, Danilo Bolano and…
Students’ Action Plans to empower disadvantaged youth with Fondazione Cariplo
At the end of the Management of Government Organizations course, our students of the Bachelor in International Politics and Government have developed action plans to tackle social challenges of disadvantaged youth, including neets, childpoverty, inequality…
Forthcoming Cambridge Elements: Ambiguity in Organization Theory
Ambiguity is a pervasive aspect of contemporary societies. How can we meaningfully study the concept? In this forthcoming Cambridge Element, I present and discuss the main trajectories in the evolution of the concept of ambiguity…
AOM 2022: PDW Artificial Intelligence, Health care and the future of Professions
At the 2022 Academy of Management annual conference, Natalia Levina, Angela Aristidou and I organized a PDW on AI, Health care and the changing nature of organizations and professional work. Thanks to our panelists –…