Dear friends and colleagues, if you are conducting research on disruptive technologies and professions, with an interest in domains affected by technologies such as digital technologies based on artificial intelligence systems, robotics, cybersecurity, generative ai, and so forth, please consider submitting your short paper to EGOS 2024 Sub-theme 21 Professions, Disruptive Technologies, and Institutional Dynamics , convened by Claudia Gabbioneta, Joel Gehman and myself.
We encourage empirical and theoretical papers with a variety of theoretical lenses and methodological approaches. We are especially interested in papers that take a macro, field-level perspective, giving attention to the institutional stakes, addressing topics such as:
✔ How do disruptive technologies change the relationships and boundaries across professions and ecologies of professions?
✔ How can disruptive technologies be developed to tackle complex societalchallenges?
✔ How do professionals collaborate with networks of stakeholders (e.g., policy makers, private providers, user associations) to regulate, adopt and scale up disruptive technologies at the field level? What field level governance arrangements emerge?
✔ How can professions leverage and/or strategically create ambiguity in and around disruptive technologies to protect their jurisdictional boundaries, power, and identities?
✔ How do disruptive technologies affect knowledge creation and/or sharing within professions?
✔ How can disruptive technologies trigger the reconfiguration of existing professions or the creation of new ones?
EGOS 2024 Subtheme 21: Professions, Disruptive Technologies, and Institutional Dynamics