Giulia Cappellaro

Students’ Action Plans to empower disadvantaged youth with Fondazione Cariplo

Students’ Action Plans to empower disadvantaged youth with Fondazione Cariplo

At the end of the Management of Government Organizations course, our students of the Bachelor in International Politics and Government have developed action plans to tackle social challenges of disadvantaged youth, including neets, childpoverty, inequality in education. Thanks to Fondazione Cariplo, Area Servizi alla Persona, Davide Invernizzi, Benedetta Angiari, Alessandro Masciadri, Elena Abbatiello for exposing our students to these key issues and make them reflect on the importance of making a real world impact. with Amelia Compagni & Gian Maria Mallarino

Giulia Cappellaro, PhD
Associate Professor 

Department of Social and Political Sciences
Bocconi University
Room: 3-C1-15, via Roentgen 1, 20136 Milan, Italy